


Ningbo Bird Co., Ltd.(600130) disclosed on May 28 that it plans to use its own funds to buy back the company's shares from public shareholders through centralized bidding. The total amount of funds for this share repurchase shall not be less than 4,000free21blackjack.0 million yuan and no more than 8,000free21blackjack.0 million yuanfree21blackjack, the repurchase price shall not exceed 5.00 yuan/share (inclusive).


It is estimated that the number of shares repurchased this time will be approximately 8 million shares to 16 million shares, accounting for approximately 1.0417% to 2.0833% of the company's current issued share capital. On the previous trading day, the closing price was 3.26 yuan.

Regarding the purpose of repurchase shares, Bird saidfree21blackjack: Reduce the registered capital of the company.