
coingamemachine| Concino Biotech (06185) lyophilized Hib vaccine approved to protect children from major respiratory infections


Newsletter summary

The freeze-dried Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine of Kangxinuo organism (06185) has been approved by the State Drug Administration of China.CoingamemachineClinical trials will be launched. The vaccine is lyophilized.CoingamemachineIt is expected to induce humoral immunity and provide protection for vaccinators.

Text of news flash

[Kangxinuo Biological Hib Vaccine approved by the State Drug Administration of China] Kangxinuo Biological (06185) recently disclosed that the freeze-dried Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine developed by the company has been successfully approved by China's State Drug Administration, officially opening the prelude to clinical trials. Haemophilus influenzae, as a gram-negative bacilli, has become the main pathogen of acute lower respiratory tract infection in children. The strain can be divided into capsular type and non-capsular type, both of which may cause infection. Non-capsular strains are especially easy to cause diseases such as otitis media and sinusitis, while capsular strains are mostly transmitted by bacteria colonized in the nasopharynx. The Hib vaccine of Kangxinuo organism, with its unique production technology, adopts the covalent binding technology of purified Hib capsular polysaccharides and tetanus toxoid protein, and is presented in lyophilized form, which is expected to effectively induce humoral immunity against Hib, thus play a protective role. The successful development of the vaccine not only reflects the deep strength of Kangxinuo in the field of vaccine, but also indicates that the company has taken a solid step in dealing with respiratory infections in children. With the start of clinical trials, Kangshino Biology is expected to contribute more to the health of children around the world.

coingamemachine| Concino Biotech (06185) lyophilized Hib vaccine approved to protect children from major respiratory infections